#1 Defi Trading Application

The ultimate terminal that arms you with the necessary tools for Dex trading and connects you to your favorite Defi protocols.

One App For All Your Defi Needs

View live charts for uniswap and other decentralized exchanges, Set price alerts, Get notifications for new uniswap listings, and track your portfolio.

On The Go

Interact with your favorite decentralized exchanges and swap your tokens anytime anywhere.

Built For Defi Astronauts

Live Charts
Fast and Interactive charts for dex tokens.
Set Favorites
Separate your favorite tokens and quickly check their live prices.
Hot Pairs
View new listed and most traded uniswap pairs in the last 10 days.
Listing Notifications
Get instant notifications for new uniswap listings.
Price Alerts
Get real time price alerts with bar notifications.
Open several uniswap windows to trade more than one token quickly
Live Gas Prices
Always keep an eye on live gas prices.
Search Bar
Seach for uniswap/pancake tokens by ticker, name or contract address.
Token Details
See listing price, volume, liquidity, 24hr change, and more.
Token Tnxs
View real time dex trading transactions.
Big Swaps
View transactions greater than a specified value.
Portfolio Tracker
View total value of all your assets.
Wallet Txns
View all transactions of your eth wallets.
Gas Expenditure
See how much gas you have spent in total.

Welcome to Goswapp

Multi Chain Support
View charts for Ethereum as well BSC tokens on GoSwapp.

Stay Connected Everywhere
All you need is an internet connection and GoSwapp to stay connected to the world of Defi
For ease, connect any Web3 supported wallet of your choice and always stay in control of your funds.

Community Oriented
GoSwapp has been designed keeping Defi traders in mind and gives emphasis to user suggestions above anything else.


Q4 2020
- Android/IOS Development Started
- Android app released on play store
Q1 2021
- Uniswap Charts
- Pancakeswap Charts
- Price & New Listing Alerts
- BSC & ERC20 Portfolio tracking
- Presale and Dex listing
- Whale Alerts
- Live Portfolio Notifications
Q2 2021
- IOS Release
- Go Pad (BSC Launchpad)
- BSC Limit Orders
- GasBack Rollout
Q3 2021 & Future Plans
- App Home Screen Widgets
- Ability To Track Defi positions
- NFTs
- Expansion to other DEXs
- Telegram bots
- Ping Pong bot
- Fiat on/off ramp
- Crypto debit cards
- Platform Enhancements

GOFI Holder Benefits


  • 40% Liquidity Mining/GasBack
  • 25% Token Sale
  • 15% Liquidity & Exchanges
  • 5% Referrals/Airdrop/
     Community Rewards
  • 5% Legal/Advisors
  • 3.75% Marketing
  • 3.75% Team
  • 2.5% Reserve
// Team & Marketing tokens are locked for 6 months with linear release afterwards over a period of 6 months
Token Ticker : GoFi
Total Supply :  1,000,000

Token Utility

Profit Sharing
30% of all profit generated on goswapp platform will be distributed in ETH,BNB,GOFI among all GOFI holders according to their tier levels.

10% of total profit will be used to market buy GOFI tokens and will be burned forever.

Vote to choose which projects get launched.

Access to exclusive GoPad deals for GOFI token holders.

Invest with confidence with Go Assured

GOFI holders will be able to claim a portion of their gas Expenditure.

The amount claimable will depend on the tier, total gas used by the user and total gas used by all other users in a certain time period

So early adopters will receive the max benefit.
Liquidity Mining
30% of total supply is reserved for liquidity mining.

Users will be able to earn GOFI tokens by adding liquidity on pancakeswap on top of earning the trading fees

Premium Features
GOFI holders will gain access to premium features and will be the first ones to get to try new features.

How it works

Connect Wallet
Connect any Web3 compatible wallet with goswapp.
No Registrations
Goswapp doesn't require you to do KYC or to create an account.
Stay Lite
Taking only 11 mb of storage space, Goswapp is very light on your device.
Worldwide Reach
Stay connected to the world of defi with just an internet connection and goswapp application.